Who's truly paying for our Fashion choices?
This topic is very close to our hearts and a major driver for sisterhood.pk. Through this article we hope to share some concrete facts with you on how little changes in our decisions can have magnificent impact. Fast Fashion, is a phenomena where clothing brands have developed new distribution strategies, enabling them to bring new fashion trends into their retail outlets every couple of week. In simpler words, brands can now offer more variety, in affordable prices in the quickest time ever. Clothing outlets update their new stock much more often than they did before. Sounds like a dream,no? quick updates, new options to choose from and in most competitive prices ever! Clothes have become cheaper with fast changing trends, thus clothes are discarded 4 times more than 20 years ago. Consumers have more clothes than they can manage and they keep buying more to stay updated with the latest trends . The fashion consumption between 2000 and 2014 has in creased by 60% . Acco...